Package-level declarations
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data class PointChartColorConfig(val axisColor: ChartColor, val gridLineColor: ChartColor, val circleColor: ChartColor, val strokeColor: ChartColor = ChartColor.Gradient(
circleColor.value.fastMap {
it.copy(alpha = 0.5f)
), val selectionBarColor: ChartColor)
Data class representing the color configuration for a point chart.
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data class PointChartConfig(val axisLineWidth: Float = 2.0f, val gridLineWidth: Float = 1.0f, val circleRadius: Float = 10.0f, val showClickedBar: Boolean = true, val animationDurationMillis: Int = 500, val animationEasing: Easing = LinearEasing, val animatePoints: Boolean = true, val gridLinePathEffect: PathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 10f), 0f))
Data class representing the configuration for a point chart.