Speedometer Progress Bar
fun SpeedometerProgressBar(progress: () -> Float, title: String, color: ChartColor, progressIndicatorColor: ChartColor, trackColor: ChartColor, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dotConfig: DotConfig = DotConfig.default(), titleTextConfig: TextConfig = TextConfig.default(), subTitleTextConfig: TextConfig = TextConfig.default(fontSize = 20.sp))
A composable function that displays a speedometer-style progress bar with an animated progress indicator.
A lambda function that returns the current progress as a float value between 0 and 1.
The title text to be displayed at the center of the speedometer.
The color of the progress arc.
progress Indicator Color
The color of the progress indicator circle.
track Color
The color of the track arc.
The modifier to be applied to the Box containing the speedometer.
dot Config
Configuration for the dots displayed along the arc.
title Text Config
Configuration for the title text style.
sub Title Text Config
Configuration for the subtitle text style.