Package-level declarations


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data class AxisConfig(val showAxes: Boolean, val showGridLines: Boolean, val showGridLabel: Boolean, val axisStroke: Float, val minLabelCount: Int, val axisColor: Color, val gridColor: Color = axisColor.copy(alpha = 0.5F))

Configuration for the axes and grid lines in a chart.

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data class ChartColors(val contentColor: List<Color> = emptyList(), val backgroundColors: List<Color> = emptyList())

Colors used in a chart.

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data class ChartyLabelTextConfig(val textSize: TextUnit, val textColor: Color, val fontStyle: FontStyle? = null, val fontWeight: FontWeight? = null, val fontFamily: FontFamily? = null, val indicatorSize: Dp = 10.dp, val maxLine: Int = 1, val overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis)

Represents the configuration for the text labels in a chart.

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sealed class StartAngle

Represents the start angle for a circular chart.