Charty Label Text Config
data class ChartyLabelTextConfig(val textSize: TextUnit, val textColor: Color, val fontStyle: FontStyle? = null, val fontWeight: FontWeight? = null, val fontFamily: FontFamily? = null, val indicatorSize: Dp = 10.dp, val maxLine: Int = 1, val overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis)
Represents the configuration for the text labels in a chart.
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constructor(textSize: TextUnit, textColor: Color, fontStyle: FontStyle? = null, fontWeight: FontWeight? = null, fontFamily: FontFamily? = null, indicatorSize: Dp = 10.dp, maxLine: Int = 1, overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis)
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The family of the font (e.g., serif). Defaults to null.
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The weight of the font (e.g., bold). Defaults to null.
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The size of the indicator associated with the labels. Defaults to 10.dp.
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The behavior when the text exceeds the available space (e.g., ellipsis). Defaults to TextOverflow.Ellipsis.