Point Chart
fun PointChart(data: () -> List<PointData>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, labelConfig: LabelConfig = LabelConfig.default(), colorConfig: PointChartColorConfig = PointChartColorConfig.default(), chartConfig: PointChartConfig = PointChartConfig(), target: Float? = null, targetConfig: TargetConfig = TargetConfig.default(), onPointClick: (Int, PointData) -> Unit = { _, _ -> })
Composable function to display a point chart.
A lambda function that returns a list of PointData objects representing the data points for the chart.
The modifier to be applied to the chart.
label Config
The configuration for the labels, including whether to show labels on the axes.
color Config
The color configuration for the chart.
chart Config
The configuration for the chart, including line widths and path effects.
An optional target value to be displayed on the chart.
target Config
The configuration for the target line.
on Point Click
A lambda function to be called when a point is clicked, with the index and data of the clicked point.