Point Chart
fun PointChart(dataCollection: ChartDataCollection, contentColor: Color, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, backgroundColor: Color = Color.White, padding: Dp = 16.dp, pointType: PointType = PointType.Stroke(), axisConfig: AxisConfig = ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults(), radiusScale: Float = 0.02f)
Displays a point chart using the provided data.
data Collection
The collection of chart data.
content Color
The color of the chart points.
The modifier for the chart.
background Color
The background color of the chart.
The padding around the chart.
point Type
The type of point to use in the chart.
axis Config
The configuration for the chart axes.
radius Scale
The scale factor for the point radius.
fun PointChart(dataCollection: ChartDataCollection, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, padding: Dp = 16.dp, pointType: PointType = PointType.Stroke(), axisConfig: AxisConfig = ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults(), radiusScale: Float = 0.02f, chartColors: ChartColors = ChartDefaults.colorDefaults())
Displays a point chart using the provided data.
data Collection
The collection of chart data.
The modifier for the chart.
The padding around the chart.
point Type
The type of point to use in the chart.
axis Config
The configuration for the chart axes.
radius Scale
The scale factor for the point radius.
chart Colors
The colors used in the chart.