Grouped Bar Chart
fun GroupedBarChart(groupBarDataCollection: ComposeList<GroupBarData>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, padding: Dp = 16.dp, barWidthRatio: Float = 0.8f, axisConfig: AxisConfig = ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults(), textLabelTextConfig: ChartyLabelTextConfig = ChartDefaults.defaultTextLabelConfig())
Composable function that renders a grouped bar chart.
group Bar Data Collection
The collection of group bar chart data.
The modifier for the chart.
The padding around the chart. Defaults to 16.dp.
bar Width Ratio
The ratio of the bar width to the available space. Defaults to 0.8f.
axis Config
The configuration for the chart's axis. Defaults to ChartDefaults.axisConfigDefaults.
text Label Text Config
The configuration for the text labels in the chart. Defaults to ChartDefaults.defaultTextLabelConfig.